Northeast Paving & Sealcoat Crack Sealing Service
Crack sealing is used as a first defense against pavement deterioration because it offers several important benefits. Effective crack sealing keeps water from entering and weakening the base or sub-base. It helps preserve the pavement adjacent to the cracks, prevents stone and dirt from making its way into open cracks causing compressive stresses, and extends pavement life by minimizing crack growth.
Proper attention to cracks will prevent problems from spreading and double the life of the pavement. Pavement repair in the early stages of deterioration will pay big dividends later by delaying costly resurfacing.
Asphalt Crack repair is the best and least expensive process for ensuring the longevity of your parking lot or asphalt pavement. By filling existing cracks with hot pour crack sealant, moisture can be kept from penetrating the asphalt and causing extensive damage.
Northeast Paving & Sealcoat asphalt crack repair experts, serving the Hudson Valley area since 1995.
Our company has more than 22 years experience in complete asphalt maintenance and coatings of parking lots and tennis courts.